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LABS Classes

Our church draws it members from many of the races and cultures living in this part of Auckland.  While we use English in worship, instruction and fellowship activities, we strive to include and engage non-English speakers as well.  Many of our members have recently arrived from South Africa, Korea, China and India.  To cater for this, special ‘Language Assisted Bible Studies' classes are conducted each week to cater for those who struggle to adjust to the new language and culture of this country.

We teach several LABS classes each week during school terms. These classes present the basics of the Christian faith and the teaching of the Bible while giving the meaning of English words. We cater to three groups of people:

  • Those who are already believers but have never learned to express or experience what they believe in English

  • Those who come from non-Christian backgrounds (mainly nominal Buddhism, materialism or the superstitious-ridden culture of Asia.)

  • Those who come for the practical aspects: English and escape from loneliness and isolation in a foreign culture

Get Involved

Wednesdays (Various times)

228 Bucklands Beach Road Bucklands Beach

Jabez Cho

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