Our worship is about praising God and encouraging one another in the faith. Our liturgy (the order of our worship services) is focused on exalting God, and we maintain a combination of historical and contemporary psalms, hymns and spiritual songs.
Our focus is not our enjoyment, but God's glory. To that end, we maintain a joyful but respectful "tone" or attitude in worship.
We practice a mixed musical style that utilises the many musical gifts of our congregation. This means that depending on which week you visit, we may have piano, organ, guitars or drums, or all of the above!
Our worship services are conducted in the English language, but we try to be accommodating to the many of our members who speak English as a second language.
We practice Communion, or The Lord's Supper, in our morning service on the second Sunday of every month.
We believe that Christ has a real spiritual presence in the Lord's Supper. It is a special 'means of grace' which serves as a sign and seal (guarantee) of God's love to all who receive it in true faith.
That understanding, along with the warning in I Corinthians 11:27-29, leads us to require that all who participate in the Lord's Supper be professing members of Christ's Church. This means that if you are a Christian and a member in good standing of a sister church or another protestant denomination, then we welcome you to participate in the Lord's Supper with us.
Our congregation practices infant baptism of covenant children - that is, the children of one or more believing parents. We believe that this is the correct biblical practice as outlined in the creeds and confessions we uphold.
Adults and older children seeking baptism, having not previously been baptised, are required to demonstrate and profess a genuine personal faith prior to baptism.
Becoming a member of our congregation grants full participation in the life of the congregation, including the ability to serve in leadership and to vote at general meetings. However, all are welcome to freely worship with us and participate in our many ministries.
If you wish to become a member of our congregation, please speak to one of the elders.